Olikin, 32 ani

@olikin Activ acum
So, here I am and my life in few words: I was born and raised in Romania. Until December 1989 I experienced the following: rationed food, interdiction to own foreign currency and travel abroad fear of being imprisoned if you made comments against the government. But I had a very happy childhood. The flip-side of the coin, after December 1989: I read like crazy, listened to a lot of classical music and opera, learned languages traveled. I came to Canada couple of years ago with the desire to fulfill my dreams that I had when I studied at the university. For many years I thought that they would remain "history". Toronto is my home now and I fell in love with the city. And yes, I have my stuff together: job, social networks and the list can continue. I am in constant search of the Infinite Invisible which usually shows up right in front of me in the warm eyes and smile of a child, a handicapped person hugging me, a call from a friend in a faraway place, a sizzling blue note, a finely coordinated left hand bank in the airplane, a moonrise over Lake Erie, a moment of conscious union in the stillness before dawn, an Alleluia sung by the St. Petersburg Chamber Choir I am drawn to people who can see, who can hear, who can feel, who can love, who can receive, who can listen and make space for others, who can flow, who can stand up for what they believe, who know their own beauty and belovedness, who can reveal the beauty of others to them, who can love the fragility and vulnerability in themselves and others, who find strength in tenderness, who love wisdom and beauty and integrity, who know how to live a "timeful life" and know the fine art of balancing "being" and "doing." I'm more interested in an "active lifestyle" than in a "receptive life style." I am very laid back, easy going, warm, tender and soulful. I'm told by those who love me that I am gentle, honest, and very faithful. I long for companionship with someone who values depth and insight but is also playful and spontaneous. A sense of humour would be wonderful - it usually captivates me completely. I hope to find someone who has done enough inner work to bring some freedom and self-awareness to the encounter. I also love intellectual conversations but not necessarily academic ones, I can spend hours talking art, philosophy, spirituality or hiking in the woods. I know when to take a break - although that took me some years to learn. I'm generally fascinated with the power of spirit and would love to share my life with someone who's attuned to that level of life and experience. In no particular order: listening and loving, making people feel good about themselves, leading them out of their minds into their hearts, sharing insights and wisdom, writing, teaching,developing images and metaphors. I like to play with Berzelius beakers, painting tools, words and children. I like relativity and quantum physics, Einsteinâ??s picture where he pull his tongue out, The Big Bang Theory( the TV show and the actual theory) literature, Bach, Liszt, Beethoven, Paganini, Puccini, Bizet, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Ella Fitzgerald, Rodin and Brancusi, Salvador Dali, Picasso, Valley of Kings-Egypt, Machu Picchu, Erich Fromm, Jung, Grisham, Steinbeck, Khaled Hosseini, The rest is for you to discover. I can talk about anything but Iâ??m a good listener, too. I keep my promises. The people notice my manners and that I'm a peace loving, harmonious individual who natural is born diplomat and also naturally full of vitality and enthusiasm, honesty and openness. Do you know which is one of the five things that you cannot recover in life? The Occasion, after itâ??s missed. I'm easy and happy to take responsabilities. I'm sympathetic and kind and skilled in the arts of diplomacy. I have a passion for ancient civilizations and for the human mind/soul, so I read and I never ever tire of a good book. Steinbeck, Coehlo, Asimov, Jung or Freud, Voltair and many others. I like jazz, rock, opera- Wagner is not included, blues, symphonic-Paganini my favourite,
32 ani
Urmatoarea zi de nastere in Noiembrie
Zodie: Scorpion
Rata de raspuns:
Despre mine
32 ani
162 cm
62 kg
Ce caut
30 - 44 ani
165 - 175 cm
60 - 70 kg
saten deschis